Tutorial to connect your server with ssh alias

This tutorial show you how to ssh to your server without rememering the server’s ip

ssh your_server

1. ssh-keygen

  • Create an ssh private/public keypair.

    Here I named my key personal. Do replace yours.

  • For passwordless experience, let passphrase be empty.

cd $HOME/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa


2. Copy public key to server

You can manully copy the public key or use the command for that

2.1. Manually copy

  • Print and copy your public key
cat ~/.ssh/personal.pub

On your server, pass the public key to the end of $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys


2.2. Use ssh-copy-id

  • Copy the public key to server
  • My server ip is Do replace with yours.
ssh-copy-id -i personal root@


  • Chmod server’s ssh files permission for security (optinal)
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
service ssh restart

security chmod

  • Try login by password
ssh 'root@'

ssh login by password

Hura! Now we can connect to server through ssh. Next, let’s create an alias for the server.

3. SSH Alias

  • From your local machine, add these line to the end of $HOME/.ssh/config
Host hp
        User root
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/personal
  • Replace hp,, root, ~/.ssh/personal with your alias, ip, server user and the private key path
cd $HOME/.ssh
vi config

ssh config

4. Test

Well done, you can ssh to your server using alias now!

ssh alias login